Projects & Partnerships
23 January 2023
Debt and Money Advice for Londoners
The Money Advice and Pension Service (MAPs) reckon that around 9.3 million people across the UK were in need of Debt Advice in 2022, and that London is the epicentre where need for advice is greatest and rising the fastest. London Citizens Advice are working harder than ever to meet local needs.
21 November 2022
Partnering locally: Cost of living support and campaigns
As the cost of living crisis escalates, here some of the things that are happening across London locally through our partnership work.
7 August 2022
Cost of living impact in London - Local Citizens Advice research
Some local Citizens Advice in London have conducted their own research on the impact of cost of living challenges for local clients and services
8 July 2022
Strategic Partnership with GLA
New Partnership with GLA based on co-production principles to address cost of living issues.
30 June 2022
After Brexit
12 months after the official deadline to make an EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) application has passed, Citizens Advice Wandsworth have published a report firstly to highlight the success of our EU advice project and secondly to promote the fact that it is still possible to submit a ‘late EUSS application’ for anyone with a valid reason to have missed the deadline.
29 April 2022
Legacies of lockdowns: The positive impact of our services
Over much of 2020 and 2021, Covid-19 restrictions impacted communities and local services - local Citizens Advice had to quickly pivot to remote delivery and deal with new inquiry areas from furlough to the support needs of the most vulnerable and shielding Londoners.