Projects & Partnerships
For more information about Citizens Advice projects and partnerships working at pan-London regional or subregional level.
13 December 2024
Advising Londoners Partnership - 2 year evaluation
For Londoners the cost of living crisis has not gone away, even it's no longer headline news. Our Advice Partnership response working with other advice agencies and extending support into the community for advice first aid, is now in its third year, with two years of evaluation data demomnstrating significant impact.
21 March 2024
Pan-London Advice First Aid Training
Our partners at Citizens Advice Wandsworth lead the London-wide training and capacity building work with community organisations, as part of the Cost of Living Crisis Prevention Project.
6 November 2023
London Learning - how partnership works
Evaluation of our London Advice partnership work is demonstrating the added value of our community partnerships.
13 September 2023
Cost of Living partnership
Our work with GLA and London partnership model is showing impressive reach.
2 August 2023
Cost of living case study - GLA support extends help to thousands
Our partnership with GLA (Greater London Authority) has enabled the London Citizens Advice network to extend help to many thousands of Londoners impacted by the ongoing cost of living crisis in the capital.
30 July 2023
London Propel
London Citizens Advice are working with London Funders to address issues of skills and workforce development in London's Advice sector.
6 April 2023
Advice First Aid - scaling up across London
Hounslow and Harrow become early adopters of Advice First Aid
18 February 2023
Reaching further with cost of living support - borough based and London partnerships
Local collaboration, innovation and community engagement is key to tackling the cost of living crisis - find out more about how the London Citizens Advice network are working in partnership.