News & Events 16 January 2023
Surveys of Londoners - Citizens Advice is place to go for support
Two commissioned polls of Londoners published at the end of December from London Councils and the GLA which both demonstrate that Citizens Advice has strong public awareness and a trusted brand in comparison to other source of support (including Council services, Debt Free London, Law Centres and other support agencies).
The surveys are for 2021-22 - the GLA Survey was carried out by Natcen and London Councils Survey by IPSOS.
Both surveys are a rich sources of data for what's happening with Londoners, their experience with cost of living and other London issues. A consistent finding from both surveys was that there was high degree of awareness of Citizens Advice services as a source of trusted support, especially for financial, money and debt issues.
Firstly the GLA survey of Londoners looked at awareness.

Secondly, the London Councils survey also looked at the sources of support Londoners felt most "comfortable" with

Other significant findings from the surveys were as follows:
- From the GLA Survey of Londoners 2021-22 (NatCen) findings. Key data
- 16% of all adults in London had low or very low food security, but amongst low income Londoners this rises to 44%. Also around 41% of single parents were food-insecure, but only 26% reported that their children
were food-insecure. - 32% owed money on unsecured debt, including personal loans, credit cards, household bills and other forms of consumer credit
- 26% of London's provate renters were classified as being affected by housing insecurity, having had to leave their previous accommodation due to issues related to cost, conditions or their relationship with their landlord
- 16% of all adults in London had low or very low food security, but amongst low income Londoners this rises to 44%. Also around 41% of single parents were food-insecure, but only 26% reported that their children
- London Councils Survey of Londoners 2021-22 (Ipsos) findings. Key data
- Cost of living is the most important issue for Londoners
- Around 1 in 4 Londoners say they are finding managing financially difficult, particularly women, renters, families and those from a minority ethnic background
- Over 60% say they are concerned about pating for energy/utility bills and any unexpected household expense
Documents and presentations can be found here and on the data store.