News & Events 20 September 2024
Advising Londoners Partnership - Extended support
We are delighted to continue working with our partners - the London Legal Support Trust with their network of specialist legal advice and community agencies, and the Greater London Authority, to support Londoners.
This partnership with London Legal Support Trust (LLST) and the Greater London Authority (GLA) is now about to enter its third year, having developed from our joint Cost of Living Crisis Prevention Project. We were delighted to join colleagues from across the sector at Bromley Homeless on September 19th for the launch of year 3 of this important stragegic partnership which, to date, has delivered generalist and specialist advice and support to over 42,000 Londoners. The Deputy Mayor of London, Dr Debbie Weekes-Bernard joined us for the event.
This is a hugely impotant project for London Citizens Advice as we seek to extend our collaborations and partnership working with advice and community organisations across the Capital to support low-income Londoners and those facing crisis and hardship. Through this partnership working across 20 local Citizens Advice and 20 LLST Centres of Excellence we have been able demonstrate real combined impact to extend:-
- Generalist advice, information, crisis navigation, support and outreach especially in community settings
- Specialist advice through referal pathways
- Advice First Aid - developing and scaling-up our capacity-building training across London to assist community partners and non-advice frontline workers
We are hugely gratefull for the support shown by the Mayor of London through the funding of this project.
You can read the Mayor of London's Press release here.