Blog 4 February 2024
A month in the life of a Citizens Advice Project Manager - January 2024
Michelle Rose, our Project Manager (GLA Cost of Living Crisis Prevention project) blogs on her recent work...
Having finalised and submitted our quarter 1 report for Year 2, my attention turns to preparations for Advice First Aid training next week in the borough of Lambeth. We are expecting a large group including statutory and non-statutory organisations which often makes the sessions go well, where the trainees can exchange information about their organisations and make connections. Delivering AFA sessions is a great way of connecting with local people doing great work in their communities however there is always a hiccup – keys not working, a pre ordered projector failing to appear on the day and even a clash with a large funeral gathering at the venue!
Our first well being session was delivered this month, with overall positive feedback. Participants took away the importance of scheduling lunch breaks and feeling confident to say no to additional workloads, when they already at their maximum capacity. This will help to avoid burn out.
Our Pan London Operational meeting, earlier this month, was well attended with a presentation given by CA Enfield highlighting their ability to provide advice, through this project, into areas of the borough previously underserved by advice services.
I also attended the Southwark Cost of Living Roadshow, a great initiative for Southwark residents to be able to access a wide range of services in on place, including Southwark Council departments, charitable organisations providing food, employment support and energy advice. I was even able to have an on the spot blood pressure test!
Along with delivering Advice First Aid training, my priorities for February involve further LCA visits, with East End already scheduled and coordinating regional area meetings for the advisers and Ops Leads to exchange project updates.